May 27, 2007

Dermabrasion Information

By Alan Hood

Dermabrasion is the medical terminology for a “sanding-like” exfoliation of the skin via a specialized rotary device.

Length and details of the Dermabrasion procedure

In the Dermabrasion procedure a mechanical scraping of the top layers of skin occurs which results in the softening of your skin jagged edges or irregularities in its surface texture. Dermabrasion is sought after for its ability to aid in reducing the surface damaged caused by acne, facial scars, fine or emerging wrinkles.

The length of the Dermabrasion procedure varies from several minutes to

less than an hour depending on the individuals needs. Many professionals recommend spreading the procedure of several sessions of shorter durations.

To minimize on discomfort a local anesthetic is employed, which may include a numbing spray.

As this procedure is not considered surgery, almost all procedures are performed as an outpatient procedure.

Risks and/or complications related to Dermabrasion

As Dermabrasion does refer to the abrasive removal of the skins surface some side affects will be experienced after the procedure. Possible side effects include tingling, burning, itching, swelling, redness, all usually temporary in their impact. Some individuals will experience a lightening of the skin, which can result in sensitivity to sun and the loss of ability to tan. Patients are advised to wear hypoallergenic make up after Dermabrasion has been performed.

In addition there are other associated risks with this procedure that include the chance abnormal skin color changes which can of the permanent nature. Other risks include infection, scarring, fever blisters, and cold sores.

For most patients the recovery time needed should be approximately 2 weeks.

Most individuals should be able to return to work after this period if not sooner. For more involved procedures the recovery time may extend to between 4 to 6 weeks.

Other cosmetic aspects of the surgery will take slightly longer with the eventual fading of skin redness taking approximately 3 months. Those experiencing a lightening of the skin will see a return of pigmentation and greater

tolerance to sun exposure in 6 to 12 months.

Long-term results of Dermabrasion

The skin reshaping aspects of the Dermabrasion procedure are permanent in their results.

How much does Dermabrasion cost?

Costs vary but tend to center around an average about $150 per treatment.

Will my insurance cover Dermabrasion?

For the most part procedures that are performed for purely cosmetic reasons are not covered by most health insurance policies. However some costs may be covered if there is a medical necessary behind the procedure. As always consult with your physician and health insurance plan.

Read more about Dermabrasion Cost and Information and how it may benefit you. Alan Hood is a contributing writer at

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