Bronchitis is inflammation or obstruction in the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes connect the throat, trachea (windpipe) to the lungs, alveoli. Alveoli are air sacs within the lungs where air is exchanged between the body, blood and the lungs, environment. Oxygen and other gases are inhaled and carbon dioxide, exhaled. Mucus, irritation and or infection can the bronchi.
The bronchial tubes that not only pass air but also moisture. The lungs are naturally moist. Moisture, water facilitates the exchange of gases between the body and the environment. It is affected by diet and climate. Too many cooling, damp foods and drinks (milk, yogurt, ice cream, salads, raw foods, fruits, juices, smoothies, cold drinks, etc.), in the extreme, tend to weaken, dilute and cool digestive fire, acid and enzymes, which in turn, cools and moistens the the lungs, with excess fluids (mucous, phlegm).
The lungs lie directly above the digestive organs. Digestion is an energetic, fiery process giving off excess heat, which naturally rises into the lungs, heating and drying. Weak digestion fails to the heat the lungs, causing them to cool and moisten, producing excess fluids: mucous, phlegm. It is no different from an external invasion of cold air (winter, air conditioning), which can also cause mucous and phlegm to occur, form in the lungs, throat, sinuses and nose.
Excess water, mucous, phlegm, tends to clog the bronchi and the alveoli reducing the breath as well as the gas exchange: oxygen intake, carbon dioxide expel. It also tends to cause coughing, sore throat, fever, fatigue, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and or sudden chills, shaking. Bronchospasm may also occur.
Poor diet, low protein, low fat (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, nuts and seeds) and high carbohydrate, especially salads, raw vegetables, fruits specially tropical, juices, smoothies and cold drinks) in the extreme, tends to weaken, cool and dilute digestion, acid and enzymes, which in turn, weakens, cools and dilutes the lungs excess fluids, mucous, phlegm that obstruct and or inflame the bronchi. This is one cause as a cold, damp environment (winter, air conditioning, living in a cold, damp basement, etc.) can also cause excess mucous, phlegm, coughing, bronchitis.
Mucous and phlegm in the lungs can also be a breeding ground for infection via bacteria, viruses, etc. and indirectly cause bronchitis, inflammation as can chronic exposure to cigarette smoke, toxic fumes, etc.
The best medicine for the lungs is proper diet:
Per meal, 2-3 times per day, preferably breakfast and lunch
1/3 protein and fat (red meat, eggs, chicken, cheese, beans, etc.)
1/3 grain (rice, noodles, bread, etc.)
1/3 Vegetables, cooked (3-5), fruit (1)
Spices (cumin, coriander fennel, turmeric, cayenne, ginger, etc.) soup and or tea.
Cooked foods, soups, stews, protein and fat warm the body, lungs, digestive organs etc. Spices increase digestion and dry dampness, excess fluids: mucous, phlegm,. loose stools, edema, cellulite, etc.
Reduce milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, salads, tropical fruits, smoothies, shakes and cold drinks.
Author, Hot and Cold Health
Acupuncture Physician (FL 1992-2002)
Owner, operator Food and Thought, health food store, Hollywood, FL (1984-2001)
Questioned and counseled of 30,000+
"What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?"
Cooking teacher
Chi gung practitioner, daily, outdoors, since 1988
Nov 2, 2007
Bronchitis, Diet and Climate
Labels: Bronchitis, Diet
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