Apr 17, 2008

You Got To Read This If You Are Having Frequent Headache

Migraine headaches are severe headaches that often begin in one area of the head and then spread to other ears. When a migraine strikes, it may seem like the worst pain in the world and you would do anything to stop it. The good thing regarding a migraine is that it is transient, that is the pain will go away after sometime.

A variety of headache closely related to the migraine is the cluster headache. The truth is almost everyone has had a headache at one point in his or her life. How bad are your headaches? Is it just a normal headache or it is a migraine headache? Read on to find out more.

The most important symptom you will probably have with your migraine headache is pain, and as you know, the pain can be very severe and last many hours. The exact cycle of events taking place in our brains during a migraine attack is still not fully understood. Approximately 25% of women and 8% of men suffer from migraine at some time in their lives. A migraine may remain at a "static" level that is tolerable, as long as the patient is not physically active, such as sitting at the office, or reading at home.

Migraine triggers are numerous and varied and occur in combinations peculiar to a individual. Triggers can be divided into different groups, including emotional triggers, stress, environmental, chemical, food and beverage. Migraine headache resulted from the expansion (or dilation) of blood vessels in the brain and scalp. Insufficient sleep, anxiety, problems, and worries give rise to the migraine headache. Staying up late or drinking too much coffee will bring on a headache every time. There are many possible triggers for migraines and they differ from one migraine sufferer to another. Stress, insomnia, over sleeping, and hunger may also trigger migraines.

What causes migraines is still somewhat of a mystery. Some even go to say that a migraine maybe caused by the end of a stressful situation. You may find it hard to avoid them, but for some people, environmental changes can trigger a migraine. Although the cause of migraine headaches is often undetermined, we do know that they present in different ways, and may involve different areas of the head and/or neck area.

Treatments of Migraine Headache

There are a lot of things you can do for yourself to help treat each of your migraine headaches. Some people find that by falling asleep, they can actually reduce the attack. Before you consider any treatment for your headaches, it is important that you make sure your diagnosis is indeed migraine

Crucial to the appropriate treatment of headache is the proper diagnosis of its type, and migraine headache is a particularly common form of recurring headache. Individuals with mild and infrequent migraine headaches that do not cause disability may require only OTC analgesics. Knowing what triggers attacks is a major step towards preventing them. People can avoid exacerbating aspects of Migraine by paying more attention to the triggering cause of the pain.

One of the most important aspects of headache treatment is your own control over your headache, and control starts with identifying your own triggers, and learning to avoid them. How migraine headaches are treated is usually determined by the frequency of the headaches. If the pain is severe, which it frequently is during a full-blown migraine attack, then you may need medication. Virtually all migraine therapies are designed to eliminate, or at least reduce, pain.

There are other alternative treatment options for migraine headaches. Some people put fingertip pressure on one of your temporal arteries, which are arteries you can feel on either side of your head near your temples. Other non-medication treatments include relaxation training; thermal or electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback, which is electrical activity recorded from small sensors attached to the scalp, mixed with relaxation training; and cognitive-behavioral treatments. Try putting a cold damp cloth on your forehead or temple (on the side that is painful), or deploy a frozen bag of peas wrapped in a small towel, as cold compresses can sometimes help with the pain.

Given so much options of treatments, there is no need to endure the pain. The good thing about a migraine is that it usually stops as people get older.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about different forms of frequent headaches, their cause, symptoms and remedy, visit http://www.frequentheadache.net/.

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